Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pre-Departure Preparations

I cannot believe how fast time is passing and how soon my departure for Ecuador really is! Less than two months to go, and I am busy preparing! In addition to the required paperwork and travel arrangements, I have begun reading about Ecuador, keeping in contact with the Academica de Espanol in Quito, and designing a volunteer project for while I am in Quito. There is much to be excited about these days!

First, I received word from the Academia where I will be taking Spanish courses that I am enrolled in classes beginning July 20th! They also sent me information about my host family, with whom I will be living for three months. I will be living with the Veteri family--a stay at home mother and a father who works with the local government. They have one daughter who is 34 and stops by for visits frequently. Their home is only a twenty minute walk from the Academia, so I plan on walking to class most days, and taking a 15 minute bus ride on the others.

In addition to contacting the school, I have been in contact with various organization that will allow me to volunteer with them. I am currently filling out paperwork and recommendor forms so that I can volunteer with CENIT (Centre for the Working Girl to work in afterschool programs (or after-work programs for some) to help street children with school work. I have also contacted FEVI (Fund for Intercultural Education and Community Volunteer Service and am working with the organization's president to design a project of my own. They recently (last week) received some great news! They have had plans (but not enough financial resources) to build a library/community center in Lumbisi, a rural indigenous community 45 minutes outside of Quito. They had received enough financial and resource donations to aquire land and some supplies, but needed funds to purchase building materials. The local government contacted the organization and agreed to pay for the construction of the building. They are now anxiously preparing to break ground, and I am happy to be a part of the project. In the time remaining before I leave, I will be collecting books, coloring books, school supplies, and art supplies (used and new) to donate to the library. I will deliver the materials in person and post pictures of the construction progress. I hope to volunteer with the construction during the weekends.

Well that is it for now! I am currently reading the Lonely Planet's Guide to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands and learning tons about the history, geography, and climate of Ecuador. I am just about to start the culture section of the book--I will post interesting facts as I find them! Until next time...cuidate! (Take care)

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