Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Help me fulfill the Rotary Mission of Service above Self in Ecuador!

One of the biggest problems facing the developing nation of Ecuador, where 60% of the population lives in poverty, is a lack of access to adequate education for children. Many of the children, referred to as “street children,” do not attend school because they are forced to work—picking bananas, cutting flowers, collecting garbage, and as street vendors—rather than attend school. Education, however, is essential to overcoming not only poverty, but the myriad of obstacles faced by people in low income countries. Education leads to better jobs, economic advances, religious and cultural tolerance, environmental conservation, and sustainable development. Without a doubt, children are our future, and to be successful, children need to be educated and empowered to make this world a better place.

The Project:
FEVI, the Fund for Intercultural Education and Volunteer Community Service based in Quito, is constructing a library in Lumbisi, Ecuador, a rural community about 45 minutes outside of Quito. So far, the land, the majority of the building materials, and the efforts of an architect have been donated. A Rotary Club in Quito has supplied windows for the building. Now, FEVI awaits provision of wood for flooring and supplies to build bathrooms before breaking ground on the project. Once completed, the library will need to be stocked with books and school/art supplies. As a Rotary Cultural Ambassador, I have volunteered my time and efforts for this project. Before departing for Quito in mid-July, I will collect books, supplies, and financial contributions to deliver in person to the FEVI President.

How you can help:
Those interested in helping with the project can donate books or supplies or make a financial contribution to FEVI for the library. Any supplies or financial donations can be mailed to FEVI or to me for personal delivery. Checks can be made out to FundaciĆ³n FEVI. For mailing addressing, contact me via email: or check out FEVI's website at

Why this project:
In addition to the great and obvious need that the children in Ecuador have for such a facility to promote education and literacy, this project will benefit Rotary as well. FEVI is a non-profit organization that hosts volunteers from around the world. Future Rotary Scholars, Rotarians desiring service opportunities, students, or other volunteers will forever be able to contact FEVI and offer their volunteer service at the library that they helped create. Rotary’s name will be recognized within the community where the library will be located, and there is a potential for a lifelong relationship between the Rotary Club sponsors in South Carolina and in Ecuador that will help promote good will and understanding between the two countries.

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